God came to give us life, in abundance.
In every aspect of our lives. That’s why we chose to kick-off 2019 by inviting everyone to join us as we explore what the Scriptures say about not only thriving spiritually, but physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally, financially and vocationally too. Many thanks to Saddleback Church, who inspired us through their ‘Transformed’ Series. We took much of their wisdom and re-applied it to our specific contexts.
As one of our 6-week ‘super-series’ – our hope was that this would be an especially-great series for not-yet Church-goers and Christ-followers to come along to – independently or through invitation. We worked hard at creating quality life group DVD resources too – in order to launch more life groups through this series and get more people into them. Our Next Generation Team worked with us to ensure that every age was impacted by the series and had content specific to their needs and age. With this in mind, we produced multi-coloured wrist bands kids could collect as the weeks went by, and tried to instil one healthy habit per week that families could begin to practise together during the week.