Going deeper into God’s word, together.
In this section, you’ll find an ever-growing collection of Common Ground’s Bible Devotions and Personal Discipleship Tools.
Aimed to strengthen existing believers whilst also making compelling sense to skeptics and seekers, we hope that they help you and your people grow as they go deeper into God’s Word and its life-changing, life-giving implications.
The daily routine of getting stuck in to God’s word is a habit we should all cultivate in our own lives. It’s a time to slow down, and connect to Jesus, the heartbeat of humanity, learning from the Word and going deeper in our relationship with our creator.
“Brick upon brick a building is built. Lesson upon lesson a degree is earned. Stroke upon stroke a painting is created. Your devotions may have seemed ordinary today, but God is making something extraordinary through it. Press on. Don’t short-change the process.” - Jon Bloom
DANIEL 30 Day Devotional
HEBREWS 30 Day Devotional
COLOSSIANS 30 Day Devotional
PHILIPPIANS 30 Day Devotional
ESTHER 28 Day Devotional
DAVID 60 Day Devotional
ON MISSION IN EPHESUS 35 Day & 21 Day Devotional
NEHEMIAH 40 Day Devotional
ACTS: LIFE ABLAZE 28 Day Devotional
REVOLUTION 40 Day Devotional
5 DAYS WITH THE REAL NOAH 5 Day Devotional
GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY 25 Day Christmas Devotional
40 DAYS WITH ABRAHAM 40 Day Devotional
Full Daniel Family Devotional Series
Listen to the 30 daily episodes online HERE. Or download below.